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Year 11 Mock Information Evening

Tim Harkins / Categories: News

4.30 - 5.30pm and 6 - 7pm

Parents of Year 11 students there is a ‘Year 11 Mock Information Evening’ on Thursday 19th October. To make sure that every year 11 parent and child can attend, we are running this session twice, so you have a choice of times to suit. The first session will take place 4.30-5.30pm and this will be repeated at 6.00-7.00pm in the main hall at Shoreham Academy. Please be aware that sessions will start promptly, so please allow plenty of travel/parking time as this event will be very busy.

The value of attending this evening cannot be underestimated. As you know, the next few months will be very busy for the year 11 pupils with just over 1 1/2 terms until their GCSE exams begin and we would like to share with you how you can support your child during this time. During the evening, you and your child will receive the following information:

  1. An overview of the year ahead including key dates
  2. Information about your child’s first year 11 report
  3. Information and guidance on the upcoming mock exams
  4. A presentation from English, maths and science on supporting your child in these subjects

If for some reason you are unable to make this event, please make sure you send someone else along in your place with your child. They can provide feedback, so that you do not miss this information.  

I look forward to seeing you all at the presentation and will be available afterwards if you have any questions. In the meantime, if there is anything I can help you with, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Ms V Penney

Senior Vice Principal

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