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Our Values

Statement of Ethos & Values

Shoreham Academy is a continuously improving learning community with the highest aspirations for academic and personal excellence

What do we aspire to achieve for the school as a whole and for our students as individuals?

  • To have integrity. We do the right thing because it is who we are.

  • To strive for excellence. We strive to be better today than we were yesterday.

  • To work hard. We achieve greatness by working hard. 

  • To hold ourselves to high standardsWe set our bar high and keep it there.

How do we achieve this?

  • By building success on the core values of ambition, respect, determination, creativity, and enthusiasm, within a modern, hi-tech learning environment.

  • By building academic and personal resilience in all of our students.

  • By designing and delivering a curriculum that enables students to access the full range of subjects, securing fundamental knowledge, understanding, concepts and skills.

  • By ensuring that teaching and learning is motivating, challenging, and gives rise to excellent progress for all our students.

  • By promoting a love for lifelong learning that goes beyond the school gate.

  • By becoming a centre of educational excellence stretching beyond our local community.


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United Learning Ethos & Values

United Learning is a group of schools committed to providing excellent education through which all pupils are able to progress, achieve and go on to succeed in life. Our approach is underpinned by a sense of moral purpose and commitment to doing what is right for children and young people, supporting colleagues to achieve excellence and acting with integrity in all our dealings within and beyond the organisation, in the interests of young people everywhere. We summarise this ethos as ‘the best in everyone’. 

This ethos underpins our core values:

  • Ambition – to achieve the best for ourselves and others;
  • Confidence – to have the courage of our convictions and to take risks in the right cause;
  • Creativity – to imagine possibilities and make them real;
  • Respect – for ourselves and others in all that we do;
  • Enthusiasm – to seek opportunity, find what is good and pursue talents and interests;
  • Determination – to overcome obstacles and reach success.

Our values were selected in consultation with United Learning students and staff across the country. As a single organisation, we seek to bring together the best of independent and state sectors, respecting both traditions and learning from each. We believe that each of our schools is and should be distinctive – each is committed to developing its own strengths and identity while sharing our core values as institutions which promote service, compassion and generosity.  

This ethos is our expression of our Christian roots, in schools which are fully inclusive and both welcome and respect students and staff of all faiths and none.

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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