Hegarty Maths Creator at Shoreham Academy
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News
Parent Presentaion Friday 6th January 2017
Shoreham Academy is delighted to offer you an exclusive opportunity to meet and listen to a presentation by Mr Colin Hegarty. Colin Hegarty is the founder, architect and designer of a new and revolutionary mathematics learning website. Hegarty Maths combines the digestible element of BBC Bitesize, the knowledge of MyMaths and the engagement of YouTube, all in one. Not only can students easily access the mathematical knowledge they require at Key Stage 3, they can also experience and absorb the fundamental elements that are the building blocks to a successful Key Stage 4 Mathematics GCSE result.
Shoreham Academy are excited to have such an engaging and motivational speaker at the school. So much so, that we have arranged for Colin to stay all day and speak to all year groups. In addition to this, we have secured exclusive access for the parents/carers of Years 7 and 8. If you would like to partake in watching Colin Hegarty’s presentation, in order to aid your child in their development of mathematics, then please come along.
The presentation will be held in the main hall from 3.45pm to 4.30pm on Friday 6th January 2017, when Colin Hegarty will guide you through the development, benefits and requirements of the website. Members of the mathematics department will also be available for any additional questions. We very much welcome your attendance to this event and feel that it will significantly benefit your child’s attainment in mathematics and your understanding of how to aid them in their mathematics homework.
The school would like to thank you for your continued efforts in helping with your child’s homework and very much look forward to seeing you on Friday 6th January 2017.