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British Council International School Award

Emma Hubbard / Categories: News

Success for Shoreham Academy

The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.


Shoreham Academy’s international work includes direct contact with students from other countries including Holland (Dutch students visited our PE and English departments and took part in lessons); France (our students went to Paris and after exchanging pen friend letters met their counterparts and are keeping in touch and our 6th form are setting up a cultural link with a Lycée in Shoreham’s twinned town in France); our year 7 classes have been corresponding and working collaboratively with a school in Melbourne, Australia on an art/environment project; our students of German in year 10 hosted a visit from a school in Germany; Spanish students attended a workshop on the Day of the Dead at Brighton University and then came back to school and taught their peers the culture of the tradition and our Arts Award students prepared for, raised money for the trip and went on a life-changing visit to Ghana, where they both taught disadvantaged children and attended exciting workshops as well as having an experience they will never forget …. and so the list goes on.

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Shoreham Academy Awarded British Council International School Award
